Manager's Message

“Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world.” Malala Yousafzai

School is the place where children acquire education and give them the wings to fly towards their future by building their life today. We believe that every child has a spark inside, which the teacher discovers and fans into a flame. The type of education that is required today is the one that enhances the ability of learners to access, adopt, apply knowledge, think independently, to decide and collaborate with others.

At St. John’s Convent School, Premdham (an abode of love), we try to facilitate this as pedagogy with a paramount concern and priority. Therefore, SJCS becomes not only the heart of academics and extracurricular activities, but it is an abode where shaping of the child’s future takes place irrespective of caste, creed and social status and making him/ her a better human being.

We are all students in the school of life and we all have two very important educators to give us life lessons. They are our parents at home and teachers in the school. Both impart knowledge, good values, tradition, and teach us to face and resolve the challenges of life. They give moral support and encourage each child to live meaningfully as a civilized citizen of civil society.

Many research studies say that students do better academically and socially when there is a positive relationship between the schools and the parents. Parents’ involvement in education is very crucial. There has to be a frequent communication between the parents and the school, mutual sharing of ideas and collaboration towards the brighter future of the children. In this way, both school and parents can help children more effectively to achieve the goals of education.

As a Manager of the SJCS, I desire and wish all the teachers, students and parents of this esteemed Institution in the words of Benjamin Franklin – “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

May All beings be happy.
God Bless all.

Fr. Deepak Sotra (Christo)IMS