Our Motto:Way Truth Life

PHILOSOPHY: The aim and objectives of the school are to bring up its pupils spiritually oriented socially concerned, nationally conscious, appreciative of our culture and traditions, emotionally balanced, physically fit and self-disciplined. The learning of Value Education remains obligatory for all students since the formation of a sound moral character is the true test of a worthy education and hope of our nation. St. John’s Convent School aims to be an institution that enables each student to achieve their potential within a learning environment that is safe, positive, respectful, inclusive and welcoming.


To fulfill the vision, We

  • Provide an environment in which every student discovers and realizes her/his full potential.
  • Stress on English-oriented Science-based education with a blend of moral values.
  • Use technology in innovative and authentic ways to enhance learning and communication.
  • Provide well-balanced co-curricular activities and community-service programs.

Our shared values are

  • Respect
  • Honesty
  • Responsibility
  • Discipline
  • Achievement

Inclusive School/Education

The term inclusive school/education means much more than this. It refers to an education system that accommodates all children regardless of their physical, intellectual, social, emotional, linguistic or other conditions. The range of challenges confronting the school system while including children with diverse abilities and from diverse backgrounds have to be met by creating child-centered pedagogy capable of successfully educating all children.

Benefits of Education

  • Education can break the cycle of poverty and exclusion.
  • Enables disabled children to stay with their families and communities.
  • It can improve the quality of Education for All.
  • It can help to overcome discrimination.

1. SpiritualFormation: -

While our education is directed towards the total development of the person, we will be instillingvalues in those we educate for their spiritual development.

  • To turn to God in prayer, with a spirit of total dependence.
  • To be morally upright making choices and decisions.

2. IntellectualFormation:

  • To seek the only truth, the wisdom of the creator, through all academic knowledge.
  • To develop a thirst for knowledge and integrate it with li
  • To be creative in outlook and innovative in approach.

3. Social Concern:

  • To imbibe a spirit of compassion, mission and social responsibility towards the underprivileged and weaker sections of our society.
  • To create a spirit of fellowship, constantly communicating the message that God is our Father.
  • To develop a spirit of patriotism and responsible leadership for the service of our country.

4. Emotional Development:

  • To develop a positive self-image and external poise and confidence.
  • To work with a sense of responsibility and pursue academic goals with self-sacrifice and perseverance.
  • To radiate joy, love, peace and contentment through inter-personal relationships.
  • To maintain a balance and a positive outlook through the success and failures of life.

5. PhysicalFormation:

Striving to be physically fit, healthy and sportive individuals, the students will inculcate in them respect and love for labour both physical and intellectual.

6. HumanFormation:

Integrating truthfulness and justice tempered with love, the students will grow as proud citizens of democratic India, respecting fellow citizens without any discrimination of sex, caste, creed, colour, ideology and place of origin, fostering equality, fraternity and liberty, respecting every form of life at every stage will work to build a world of community of peace and prosperity.