Examination & Promotion

  • It is compulsory for the students to complete 75 % of their attendance in a year to make them eligible for appearing for exemptions and promotion to the next class. Promotion to the next class is granted on the basis of quarterly, half yearly and final examination marks. The average of marks obtained in the three examinations is taken into consideration and the child who secures and average of 33% marks in all the subjects is given promotion.
  • Going out of session is not a solid reason for a child for not appearing at his/her examination. Absence of failure in any subject excludes a student from being reckoned in the order of merit in the examination.
  • No examination will be taken either before or after the scheduled time. Anyone found involving in malpractices during the examination is liable to be debarred from further examination and if subsequently discovered, the whole examination after candidate shall be cancelled.
  • No re-test or re-examination will be conducted.
  • No candidate will be allow to any of the examination unless school dues are paid in full.
  • A people failing twice in the same class will have to discontinue his/her studies in the school.
  • Results declared at the close of year are final in all cases and will not be reconsidered. If the report card is lost student will be charged RS. 50/- for the duplicate card.