
  • School bus routes are drawn up based on convenience and demand while ensuring that no route is overly long. Parents should consult the school's transport in-charge for necessary details or any changes desired.
  • Under no circumstances the students are allowed to go behind or under the buses parked. Students are also not allowed to sit in parked buses during school hours.
  • The Students should not touch the instrument panel of buses.
  • A student using the school bus is expected to be at the bus stop at least five minutes before the scheduled arrival of the bus. The student has to be on the correct side of the arriving bus.
  • Students are allowed to use only their allotted bus and bus stop. There is no provision for temporary change in bus or bus stops. Students who miss the allotted bus should not try to board any other bus. In such cases it is the responsibility of parents to drop their wards to the school. Such students may, however, return by their allotted bus.
  • Students must make sure that the aisle of the bus is clear, and that school bags and other belongings are placed properly. Students must keep all parts of their body inside the bus at all times. They should not put their hands out even for waving. No object should be thrown inside or outside the bus. The consumption of edibles and drinks is not permitted in the bus. Unruly behavior like shrieking and shouting is strictly prohibited. The driver's attention must not be distracted for any reason.
  • The drivers are authorized to stop buses at designated stops only, unless directed by the bus teacher after consultation with the Transport In charge and Principal. The list of stops is prepared keeping in view the convenience and safety of all bus commuters and is subject to change.
  • In case there is a permanent change in stop or bus, permission for the same has to be sought through a written application to the principal. The change shall become effective only after the school grants written permission.
  • Request for temporary change in bus or bus stops will not be entertained.
  • Parents should, for the safety of their children, ensure that their wards are always escorted to and from bus stops.
  • Parents are not allowed to enter the bus under any circumstances.
  • Parents who want to avail school transport facility for their wards, the transport in-charge to be contacted.
  • Students are expected board buses in an orderly manner giving due priority to young students.