Parental Co-operation

Parent co-operation is essential for complete and harmonious development of the student's personality. The process of informal education is set in motion at birth and gains momentum in the school, a centre of formal education. To bring out the best in the child, family influences should aid and supplement school efforts. Both school and home should help the child inculcate in her/him the desirable behavior patterns, healthy habits and positive attitudes in personal and social life to make her/him a pride of family and an asset to the society. Constant vigilance on the part of the guardians pays rich dividends. Please read the following points in the interest of your ward:

  • Co-operate with the school by paying attention to your ward's regularity, punctuality and discipline by taking interest in her/his work.
  • Do check the bag of your ward for any circular, worksheets, homework etc. given from the school.
  • Parents are not allowed to take the child home unless it is very urgent. In that case either father or mother has to come personally to take the child from the school.
  • No student will be permitted to go home after the Unit Tests and Term Examinations. Therefore parents should not send their ward to appear in the Examinations if she/he is unwell.
  • Do not give mobile phones or any other valuable things to your child. If the child brings these things, they will be confiscated under all circumstances by the school authorities and disciplinary action will be taken against them.
  • Children tend to pick-up abusive language/foul words from different sources without understanding their meaning. We will take requisite measures to counsel and check them at our end and also request you to take corrective actions at your end.
  • Private Tuitions should be discouraged.